the Compartmented Robust Posix C++ Unit Test system |
The output from a test program is
By default, only the results from failed tests are listed, although
the -v
/ --verbose
command line
flag changes that to include also the result from successful
The result from an individual test includes:
(critical) or ?
, stderr
and INFO
In addition, failed tests include
A short explanation of the phase of failures:
If the test result is directed to a file, only the result summary
is shown on stdout
(unless silenced by the
/ --quiet
command line
flag, in which case nothing at all is shown on
#include <crpcut.hpp> DEFINE_TEST_TAG(a_tag); DEFINE_TEST_TAG(another_tag); struct A { A() {} ~A() { abort(); } int func() const { return 3; } void do_something() const {} }; TESTSUITE(basics) { DISABLED_TEST(will_not_run) { FAIL << "shall never ever run!"; } TEST(construct, WITH_TEST_TAG(a_tag)) { A *p = new A(); // leak INFO << "created an A, addr=" << p; } TEST(call_func, A, DEPENDS_ON(construct), WITH_TEST_TAG(a_tag)) { ASSERT_TRUE(func() == 1); } TEST(destroy, A, DEPENDS_ON(construct), WITH_TEST_TAG(another_tag)) { INFO << "running test body"; } } TESTSUITE(toy, DEPENDS_ON(ALL_TESTS(basics))) { TEST(work) { A obj; obj.do_something(); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return crpcut::run(argc, argv); }
The example program shows all types of information in its end report
when run with the command line flags
PASSED!: basics::construct info--------------------------------------------------------------------------- samples/report_example.cpp:51 created an A, addr=0x639860 =============================================================================== FAILED!: basics::call_func phase="running" -------------------------------------------------------------- samples/report_example.cpp:56 ASSERT_TRUE(func() == 1) is evaluated as: 3 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== FAILED?: basics::destroy info--------------------------------------------------------------------------- samples/report_example.cpp:61 running test body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /tmp/crpcutI4RXOk/basics::destroy is not empty! phase="destroying" ----------------------------------------------------------- samples/report_example.cpp:59 Died with core dump ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Files remain under /tmp/crpcutI4RXOk The following tests were blocked from running: -basics::will_not_run !toy::work 5 test cases selected tag run passed failed !a_tag 2 1 1 ?another_tag 1 0 1 Sum Critical Non-critical PASSED : 1 1 0 FAILED : 2 1 1 UNTESTED : 2
The tests that are blocked from running are listed with an importance symbol. '-' for a disabled test, '?' for a non-critical test, and '!' for a critical test. The same importance symbol is used for the tag summary.
The same example program shows the XML formatted result shown
below when run with the command line flags
<?xml version="1.0"?> <crpcut xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" starttime="2016-03-07T16:39:37Z" host="pteranodon" command="../test/report_example -d /tmp/crpcuttxD9I6 --xml=yes --verbose --tags=/another_tag"> <test name="basics::construct" critical="true" duration_us="10817" result="PASSED"> <log> <info location="samples/report_example.cpp:51">created an A, addr=0x639a40</info> </log> </test> <test name="basics::call_func" critical="true" duration_us="293" result="FAILED"> <log> <violation phase="running" location="samples/report_example.cpp:56">ASSERT_TRUE(func() == 1) is evaluated as: 3 == 1</violation> </log> </test> <test name="basics::destroy" critical="false" duration_us="1543" result="FAILED"> <log> <info location="samples/report_example.cpp:61">running test body</info> <violation phase="destroying" nonempty_dir="/tmp/crpcuttxD9I6/basics::destroy" location="samples/report_example.cpp:59">Died with core dump</violation> </log> </test> <remaining_files nonempty_dir="/tmp/crpcuttxD9I6"/> <blocked_tests> <test name="basics::will_not_run" importance="disabled"/> <test name="toy::work" importance="critical"/> </blocked_tests> <tag_summary> <tag name="a_tag" passed="1" failed="1" critical="true"/> <tag name="another_tag" passed="0" failed="1" critical="false"/> </tag_summary> <statistics> <registered_test_cases>5</registered_test_cases> <selected_test_cases>5</selected_test_cases> <untested_test_cases>2</untested_test_cases> <run_test_cases>3</run_test_cases> <failed_test_cases>2</failed_test_cases> <failed_non_critical_test_cases>1</failed_non_critical_test_cases> </statistics> </crpcut>